GSA Sustainability is an umbrella title for the work done within Glasgow School of Art to engage students, staff and the wider artistic community of Glasgow to address issues of sustainability.

It’s currently run through two entities: the Sustainability in Action Group (SiAG) and Artists Using Resources in the Community (ARC) project.
To culminate a year’s work they hosted an exhibition, Counting Consciousness, in order to exhibit their research, learnings and outcomes from the past year alongside work from project reSOURCE.
I was asked to design a poster and flyers to promote the event.
To culminate a year’s work they hosted an exhibition, Counting Consciousness, in order to exhibit their research, learnings and outcomes from the past year alongside work from project reSOURCE.
I was asked to design a poster and flyers to promote the event.

My artwork was also used for the cover of a booklet which documents all the great work SiAG & ARC have done since they began their project at The Glasgow School of Art.