EVA DOLGYRA - Born and raised in Athens, Greece. Graduated in 2011 from the Glasgow School of Art, with a BA(Hons) in Visual Communication.

Now based in Glasgow, working as a Graphic Designer by day and Freelance Illustrator by night.

My influences cover a wide spectrum both thematically and geographically, with a particular fondness for themes touching on the strange, the bizarre and the imaginary.

Often reflected in my work is my soft spot for traditional printmaking; however I believe there is a right tool for each job and enjoy using my laptop just as much as I do a chisel.

If you’d like to get in touch, you can find me at evadolgyra@gmail.com




This is a rhyme about a family, a giant cricket and the Sun.

This book is in the style of a naïve didactic myth, a Cultural Universal. It is a moral reminder that our actions have consequences, no matter how noble our initial intentions.

Primitive cultures have always lived symbiotically with their environment. Modern Man, however, is not content with simple co-existence and has modified his habitats - through urbanization, transport networks, deforestation etc. - to such an extent that he is now considered the main factor in climate change; the biggest threat to our planet.

The world over, different cultures have used mythology, art, religion, philosophy, science and technology to pass on their knowledge to future generations. From an early age, I remember enjoying flicking through illustrated books of fables and at school I always liked reading the many tales of ancient Greek mythology. The magical creatures and fantastical settings of such tales make the story lines fascinating and therefore memorable and, even though writer and reader are usually years or even centuries apart, their teachings remain meaningful throughout the generations, thus making them timeless.

Following in this tradition, this book is using a combination of art and mythology to bring awareness to our position in the collective memory of the planet and our role in protecting its future. In addition to the moral underlying message, I also wanted to create a visually appealing object that was light-hearted and fun to read, reminiscent of old folklore tales that grandparents tell their grandchildren at bedtime, giving readers the freedom to choose how deeply or not they read into it.

The stellar classification of the Sun, G2V, was chosen as the title on account of its association with the world of science, in order to purposefully contrast with the organic aesthetic and subject matter of the illustrations. A subtle hint that, as the world melts away under the overpowering Sun in this story, similarly science and technology, for all its greatness, could have a catastrophic effect on our planet should we choose to abuse its power.